Dr. Video Gadgets welcomes you to our online store dedicated to provide tools for all inspiration creators out there.
We strive to find any type of item that is “trending” on any social media platform. For instance, if you stumble upon a video on TikTok where the talent is using rubber tiny hands puppets on their index finger to make a delicious sandwich we notice the attention. We analyze viewership in association with the accessory used that was able to e chance the video whether by making it visually appealing and if it persuades any form of emotion like humor. Patters throughout the social media platform are then developed by others users sharing their content and mimicking or replicating the same act that the original talent has successfully done so to draw many views.
Dr. Video Gadgets helps identify and then offer though our online website specific products that are drawing high viewerships.
In addition, to easily buy trending products, we will feature in our product page a new creator’s most recent video that is using the corresponding item.
Our goal is to help influencers, filmmakers, photographers and any visionary to find gadgets, accessories, equipment and gear that they need to accomplish their creative goals.
Feel free to reach out to us support@drvideogadgets.com with any questions, we are also open for any suggestions on certain items that we are all looking forward to.